
Di sebuah lautan (bukan lautan asmara lho, bukan juga lautan pensil, apalagi lautan luka dalam, sumpah bukan itu), ikan-ikan tampak melompat-lompat gembira. Ada yang lompat indah, lompat jauh, lompat tinggi, lompat tali, dan ada juga yang lompat jangkit. Di antara mereka ada juga yang memilih bersantai-santai, berbaring di atas permukaan air laut sambil menikmati indahnya pemandangan daratan dimana banyak makhluk darat berlari-lari kesana kemari, namun tidak mencari alamat. Terlihat juga Alex si ikan pari, tapi ia langsung sembunyi karena takut diceritakan di cerita ini. Hari itu memang cukup cerah, secerah masa depan pembaca semua. Matahari bersinar dengan penuh kasih sayang seakan-akan setiap sinarnya berkata “aku cinta kamu”. Wesyeh, so sweet.

10 Advantages of Being a Blogger and Excess

Blogger is still regarded as an activity for a hobby to write. Not many people are convinced and believe that becoming a blogger can make a person live well even become rich.
When we asked people what is your job? When answered a Blogger, then not a few people who belittle, dismiss, we assume even a slacker because his work just sitting in front of a laptop or computer. Quite often people even suggest to look for a permanent job and steady and leave the blogging because it was just a mere hobby.
You may be down mentally and lost the motivation to blog to hear responses such people. But do not worry, in the country of Indonesia is quite a lot of people who make bloggers as their main occupation. The names are well known in the world of bloggers, among others Kang Yudiono, and Habibie Afsyah BlogOdolar.com owners.
Well, for you who have experienced insults and insults that make your blogging motivation down, then you'll want to know how the hell it feels so bloggers. Here are a few things into the benefits and advantages of a blogger.

10 Rumah Terunik di Dunia

Rumah merupakan tempat tinggal yang dimiliki setiap orang, dimanapun dan kapanpun rumah adalah tempat yang paling tepat untuk bersantai bersama keluarga tercinta. Rumah dengan design interior bagus sudah biasa, namun bagaimana yang terjadi jika kita melihat rumah versi unik yang pernah ada di dunia? . Beberapa kalangan memilih rumah tersebut sebagai tempat tinggalnya, meskipun unik namun tetap bisa membuat kita serasa nyaman di dalamnya. Berikut ini 10 Rumah unik tersebut: 

1.Rumah terbalik
Rumah ini menurut saya benar-benar unik, maka pantaslah rumah ini dijuluki sebagi rumah unik yang pernah ada, sepitas kita melihatnya membuat kita mersa pusing karena bangunan rumahnya terbalik. Rumah ini terletak di Szymbark, Polandia yang kononya konsep rumah tersebut mendeskripsikan masa komunis saat ini. 

I Belive that Internet is Important

Internet is important. Why is that? Because, I believe most people using internet nowadays. We can use internet through hand phone, laptop, computer with internet connection. Internet can help easier and faster about giving information. First, if we will study we can search about education information. Second we can easier communicate with others people. Third, we can to do business through internet. There are three reason internet is important nowadays for most people.

First, we can we can search education information. Because internet available many website about lesson materials through Google, Yahoo and etc. It can help us do task. If we not understand about lesson in class we can ask in the website. And the website can answer. Learning through reading a book, we can look for other references through the website. We faster find lesson materials and easier understand. Besides it make we not bored studying. And we can find much knowledge another studying in class. We can also learning with video.it more fun and interesting. With the result that through internet we can easy find education information and much knowledge.

Benefits of Smiling

Smile :). Surely you've smiled right. have you smiling for today?. there were many benefits from smiling guys. you want to know?. Below are some of the benefits of smiling.